Coaching is on Thursday afternoons during 2nd term. Parent involvement is encouraged to assist with coaching.
This is an exciting 2 seasons for our youngsters, who normally play with much enthusiasm.
Mini-Soccer requires a minimum of 7 players including the goal keeper.
They play for 10 minutes and one way only.
Inter- House Soccer
A series of matches are played, which then ends in a final match during the last week of the 2nd term.
Junior house soccer matches combine U9 and U10. The junior matches are played on a mini-soccer basis.
Senior house soccer matches U11, U12, U13 and U14.
The Senior Matches are played on a normal 11 a-side basis.
Dress Code
White shorts
White golf shirt with blue collar
Takkie / Trainers (NO Sneakers e.g: Tomy, high tops etc)
Brooklyn soccer socks
Interhouse soccer played in house t-shirt and white pants
NOTE: soccer kit will be supplied to the open side only for soccer matches
View our Soccer pictures
View our Netball pictures
Inter-House Athletics
For many athletes, the inter-house athletics meeting is the highlight of their athletics year. The Inter-house is held annually at the beginning of term 3 and the School athletics team is chosen on the basis of individual performance at this event.
Inter-School Athletics
In addition Brooklyn accepts at least 1-2 invitations to track /field meetings organised by neighbouring schools. The athletic season culminates in two events organised by PEPSAA (The Pretoria Primary Schools’ Athletics Association). PEPSAA ranks Pretoria Primary Schools into 3 Regions or Bonds – Region A, B and C. On an annual basis the winner of a lower region replaces the loser of the higher region. Brooklyn is in the A Region and strives to retain this position each year.
Brooklyn awards athletic colours to all under 12, 13 or 14 Brooklyn athletes who achieve a bronze, silver or gold medal at the Prestige meeting.
Dress Code
School team: White shorts and white golf shirt with blue collar
Practice: White shorts and white golf shirt with blue collar
White (or mainly white) athletic shoes or spikes (optional). Most primary school athletes participate in bare feet.
View our Athletics pictures
As with mini-Soccer, parent involvement is encouraged with coaching on Thursdays. The focus is on participation and fun while learning hand – eye co-ordination.
All players must wear white shorts, Brooklyn white golf shirt with blue collar, soccer socks and a white hat.
Inter-House Cricket
Dress Code
White golf shirt with blue collar
Takkie / Trainers (NO Sneakers e.g: Tomy, high tops etc)
Interhouse cricket played in house t-shirt and white pants
View our Cricket pictures
Ages 11 + can take part in swimming at the school.
We have teachers who are dedicated to the sport and learners, as well as external coaches who help grow the sport from strength to strength.